If you are still having issues, you may want to try a different web browser, such as Firefox or Edge. Additionally, you should check to make sure that the version of Chrome you are trying to download is compatible with your laptop (e.g., Windows 10, Mac OS X). How do you unlock a iPhone without iTunes. If this does not work, you may need to reinstall the program. However, you will need to install the iTunes app from the Chrome Web Store. To resolve this issue, try turning off your antivirus and downloading Chrome agan from /chrome. The software will begin to download, which can take a few minutes, depending on your internet connection. It is possible that your antivirus software is preventing Google Chrome from installing on your computer. Unable to Download Google Chrome on Laptop Answer (1 of 5): Hello, It is easy and simple to get itunes on Chromebook, earlier we needed linux to run iTunes on chromebook but now we can easily run iTunes. Additionally, you can create multiple user profiles in the browser which allos you to easily switch between different settings and accounts. However they have not made a version of iTunes yet that is supported in Google Chrome which is the web broweser used by a 'Google Chromebook'.

Google Chrome also supports all of the features available on the desktop version of the browser such as tabbed browsing, sync across devices, and access to thousands of extensions. A 'chromebook' is a laptop product made by Google and is every bit as real as any other laptop. The browser is designed to be compatible with all of the latest Mac operating systems, including macOS Mojave, macOS High Sierra, and macOS Sierra.